The project has appointed the following external members of the Advisory Committee:
Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke, Institut Technik-Theologie-Naturwissenschaften an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Main interests: Assistive technologies and ethics.
Prof. Dr. Margaret Woodhouse, Cardiff University, UK. Main interests: Visual development in children with Down’s syndrome and the eye care needs of children and adults with disabilities. How visual impairment affects education and daily living skills.
Prof. Dr. Markus Dederich, University of Cologne, Faculty for Human Sciences, Department for Special Education and Rehabilitation. Main interest: Disability studies and technological issues (which he reflects from a pedagogical and philosophical point of view).
Anna Contardi, Manager of the Italian Down’s syndrome association. General secretary of European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA). Main interests: Welfare for persons with Down syndrome and to get persons with Down Syndrome into ordinary work.